How to Be A Girl Boss: 8 Ways to Build Your Empire

girl boss 8 ways empire

Since starting my own business, Shop Basic Babe, I’ve felt more encouraged and inspired to motivate other women. Maybe it’s because of all the encouragement I received after announcing my launch on my Instagram. I had so many lovely ladies reach out to me and tell me how proud they were of me and how I was such a girl boss.

Firstly, I was shocked by how many people reached out to me to congratulate me and encourage me. Most of these ladies were some I have never spoken to before on Instagram. But they reached out and it was the sweetest and most uplifting act of kindness I could receive. Especially after launching my new business!

I had some many women reach out to me and tell me how I was living their dream. And how they wanted to start their own business one day! To know you’re living someone else’s dream is such an intense feeling. It makes you really grateful for what you have, first off. And secondly, it makes you want to reach out, touch hearts and inspire other women to pursue their passion and dreams! And because of this, I decided to write a post that I’m still living out day by day. How to be a girl boss.

How to Be A Girl Boss: 8 Ways to Build Your Empire:

1. Don’t fear failure

Can I just be real for a minute? Every. Single. Day. I fear failure. Launching a new business from the ground up is scary. And it’s vulnerable. Especially when you’re sharing this start-up with your following, like me. I always have thoughts like “if my business fails will it affect my blog?” and “will my followers think less of me if my business fails?“. Truthfully, I fear failure every day. But, I’m learning to not lean in on my own strength and understanding. But in God’s (Philippians 4:6-7). God is what helps me overcome my fear every day. Knowing that He has a greater plan for me then I have for myself. And that no matter where that path leads, as long as I’m following Jesus, I’ll be okay.

So what does that mean for you? Take a chance on yourself. Start a blog. Start that business you’ve been dreaming of. Don’t let fear, worry and anxiety stop you from pursuing your dreams. We all face failure no matter if we take the plunge to pursue our dreams or not. It’s a part of life but doesn’t need to stop you from whatever you want to pursue!

2. Visualize what you want

I personally believe in visualizing what you want. Whether that’s visualizing what kind of blog you want to create. The kind of business you want to build. Or whatever it may be. Visualize it. But don’t stop here. So many people visualize and visualize and don’t pursue what they’ve been dreaming about. After you visualize your dream pursue it. Remeber, your vision doesn’t have to be perfect. So don’t dwell on how to create the perfect blog. Or the exact layout of your online business just yet! Visualizing is the time to have all your ideas in one place before you really refine them.

3. Set goals and have big plans

A goal is a wish without a plan. And your vision is wasted without goals. After you’ve dreamed up your vision, no matter what it is. Set goals to achieve it. Set big goals and have big plans! Then set smaller achievable goals to help you accomplish your mission, whatever it may be. Don’t be afraid to have big plans for yourself. But remember, not to stop there. Always make goals for your big plan!

4. Remove negativity and toxic people

Becoming a girl boss ain’t easy with negative and toxic people in your life. It comes with the territory really. You’ll find some friends will be jealous of your entrepreneurial adventure and will do whatever it takes to bring you down. Girl, you don’t need that in your life! If you have friends or family who bring you down or don’t believe in your dream then it’s time to reconsider that relationship. People who love you and care about you will encourage you and be there to help you. Negative energy eats at you and makes it harder to pursue your dream! And toxic people want to bring you down with them. So get rid of that bad energy now!

5. Serve those around you

Give back to those around you. Serving those around you creates a bigger purpose for your girl boss empire. Aim to serve rather than to be served. Aim to inspire, motivate and encourage those around you. I always feel the most encouraged myself after encouraging others. No matter what stage of your dream or business your own. Continually serve and give to those around you without expecting anything back. This creates an inspired heart that is motivated to work hard and to continually help others while doing it.

6. Build a support system

Man, I don’t know what I’d do without my husband Qais. There are so many days I want to pull out my hair, scream and give up. If you’re a blogger or an influencer, you know the difficulties of running your blog and your Instagram. It is beyond difficult at times to stay encouraged in such a fast-paced and ever-changing industry. So having a support system is key!

Whether it’s your husband, boyfriend, mother or friend. Find someone who you can lean on when things feel tough. Someone who will be your rock. Lift you back up. And someone who will always be down to grind with you when needed. Qais is such a blessing when it comes to my blog. I truly believe if I wasn’t married to him this blog wouldn’t be possible!

7. Start building your brand

If you’ve found the courage to follow your dreams then the next step is branding. And good branding is key. Spend time really figuring out your brand. Figure out your logo, your theme, your colours, etc. I’d recommend finding a good graphic designer to help you bring your branding alive. Or, if you’re working with a limited budget, try creating your own logo and content on Canva. Your branding should feel like you. It should be authentic to you and it should represent who you are.

Once you figure out your branding, stick to it. Stick to the same fonts. Same colour scheme. Basically the same everything on all your platforms! But whatever you do, don’t skip this step or rush it. I honestly regret not having my branding stronger when I started!

8. Create structure

Structure is key when you’re becoming a girl boss and creating your own empire! I need so much help in the area of structure, to be honest. If I don’t have a daily to-do list or my daily goals then I usually have a rocky day! So to help me with structure I made my own daily motivation and to-do list that helps inspire me every day!

And because I want to help motivate you to become your own Girl boss, I want you to have my FREE Girlboss Daily Motivation & To-Do List. Just print one for every day and be encouraged on your girl boss journey! I’ve included a place for your goals, a place to face one fear daily and some other great features besides just a to-do!

To access your FREE Girlboss Motivation and To-Do List just enter your name and email below. You’ll then be able to download the PDF!

xo Lauren

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